What’s the difference between Polkadot and Cosmos?

Smita Verma
3 min readSep 9, 2021

Despite being close to one other, blockchain networks are more like isolated islands in the current state of affairs.

Recently, Polkadot vs Cosmos has gained some attention. Cryptocurrency expert have been hailing Polkadot and Cosmos lately. As a result, both protocols are unique in their ability to provide a communication bridge across various state machines.

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Interoperability of blockchain

It’s clear from the debate around Cosmos and Polkadot that blockchain interoperability is a major focus of the debate. Interoperability across blockchains exists in the tiniest of amounts, with no efficient link between any of the networks involved. As a result of the blockchain’s network effect, a service’s value increases when more people utilize it. When it comes to comparing the distinctions between Cosmos and Polkadot, many of the debates don’t go into great detail.

Key Differences

Polkadot and Cosmos are two popular protocols for providing a communication interface between state machines. Interoperability across blockchains will be a need in the future, according to the protocols. In the future, blockchains will no longer exist in isolation from one another. When thinking about blockchain interoperability, it’s natural to question, “Is Polkadot or Cosmos better?” The distinctions between Polkadot and Cosmos may be seen in the following areas.


The first distinction between Cosmos and Polkadot has to do with the sort of model utilized in each of these programs. To implement Polkadot, the protocol uses a sharding model in which each shard has an abstract STF or state transition function. A meta-protocol is also used by Polkadot, which is based on Wasm or WebAssembly

Until Polkadot validators are able to execute it in a Wasm context, a shard’s STF stays in abstract form. They are also known as “parallel chains” or “parachain” in Polkadot. Polkadot validators should independently verify a block and state evidence submitted by a parachain while attempting a state transition. The status of all the parachains is shared across the system as a whole.


Cosmos vs. Polkadot comparison would also take into account the design of both tools. In Polkadot, the primary chain is a Relay Chain. All of Polkadot’s validators may be found on the Relay Chain. To create and propose blocks for the parachains to validators, collators are involved. This eliminates the requirement for a strong incentive system because the collaborators don’t have to be responsible for any security obligations.


Also, Cosmos and Polkadot have different consensus mechanisms. There are two sub-protocols in Polkadot: BABE and GRANDPA. As a whole, the two sub-protocols are known as Fast Forward. In BABE or Blind Assignment for Blockchain Extension, validators are assigned slots based on a verifiable random function (VRF).


It’s no different when it comes to answering the question, “Is Polkadot or Cosmos better?” As part of Polkadot’s multicamera governance structure, proposals can be passed through a variety of various means. Everything would be decided by a public vote, enabling the majority of tokens to have a say in what happens. As a result of the low turnout, Polkadot uses adaptive quorum biassing to set the passing threshold for referendums.

Wrapping up

A number of distinctions exist between Polkadot and Cosmos. As a result, it’s impossible to say for sure which of them is the superior option. Both tools have their own distinct characteristics. Polodot was designed around the idea that interoperability and scalability are heavily reliant upon a single validation algorithm.

To link chains in a secure way, Cosmos uses a bridge hub concept. Cosmos and Polkadot differ in many ways, yet it’s vital to grasp both technologies. If you’re interested in finding out more about Polkadot and Cosmos you should consider enrolling in a cryptocurrency classes



Smita Verma

Blockchain enthusiast and cover everything that goes on in the crypto ecosystem. I love researching and producing technical content on blockchain.